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Please direct all questions and comments to the mailing list. If you would like to contribute to the MyExperience project in some fashion (e.g., as a developer, graphics designer, etc.), please let us know.

project lead

Jon Froehlich Jon Froehlich 2005 - Present Jon started the MyExperience project along with Ian E. Smith and Mike Y. Chen at Intel Research, Seattle during a summer internship in 2005. Jon is the primary designer and developer of MyExperience. He is currently a graduate student in Computer Science at the University of Washington working with James Landay on context-aware mobile applications that have high social value in the domains of the environment, fitness, and healthcare.


Stephen S. Intille Stephen S. Intille 2007 - Present click to reveal Stephen Intille is the technology director of the House_n project at MIT. He is also known for developing the Context-Aware Experience Sampling method. He began contributing to MyExperience as part of a larger effort to make context-aware experience sampling methods more widely available. See more information about this on the CAES webpage at MIT.
Pedja Klasnja Pedja Klasnja 2006 - Present Pedja Klasnja is involved in multiple projects that use MyExperience at Intel Research, Seattle including UbiFit, UbiGreen, and a project with Beverly Harrison evaluating some underlying methodological issues with the Experience Sampling Method. Along the way he has contributed numerous comments about MyExperience, from the structure of the XML file to the user interface. He also programmed his own MyExperience extension that allowed for a separate XML file to be loaded and executed each day. Pedja is a graduate student in the Information School at the University of Washington.
James Landay James Landay 2006 - Present James Landay was the director of Intel Research, Seattle when MyExperience was formalized as a project. He is also a professor of HCI in Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Washington and continues to serve as an advisor on this project.

past contributors

Jennifer Beaudin Jennifer Beaudin 2007 - 2008 Jennifer Beaudin is a graduate of MIT and a researcher with the MIT House_n team working on projects in health and learning in everday contexts. She began contributing to MyExperience as part of a larger effort to make context-aware experience sampling methods more widely available. See more information about this on the CAES webpage at MIT.
Mike Chen Mike Chen 2005 - 2006 Mike Chen was one of the original designers of MyExperience while at Intel Research, Seattle. He has since left for a startup.
Sunny Consolvo Sunny Consolvo 2005 - 2007 Sunny Consolvo is the principal investigator in the UbiFit project (PDF). She also consulted in the design of MyExperience self-report surveys. Sunny is currently a graduate student in the Information School at the University of Washington and a fulltime researcher at Intel Research, Seattle.
Bill Deleeuw Bill Deleeuw 2005 - 2006 Bill Deleeuw worked on a proprietary Intel specific branch of MyExperience with a group of engineers on a project studying "Mobile Heart Health" using an external Bluetooth heart rate monitor. This project was lead by Margie Morris, a senior researcher in Intel's Digital Health Group. More information can be found here.
Beverly Harrison Beverly Harrison 2006 Beverly Harrison is involved in multiple projects that use MyExperience at Intel Research, Seattle including UbiFit, UbiGreen, and a project with Pedja Klasnja evaluating some underlying methodological issues with the Experience Sampling Method. Beverly is a fulltime research scientist at Intel Research, Seattle.
Ryan Libby Ryan Libby 2005 - 2007 Ryan Libby was the principal developer of the UbiFit branch of MyExperience. You can read about UbiFit here (PDF). Some of this code has made its way back to the main source tree. He is currently an undergraduate student in Computer Science at the University of Washington.
Fred Potter Fred Potter 2005 Fred Potter worked on synchronization code in the initial version of MyExperience as well as a backend website (to allow users to answer surveys both on the phone and on the web). This code was supplanted by the switch to SQL Compact Edition in later versions of MyExperience. Fred now works at Loopt in the Bay Area.
Pauline Powledge Pauline Powledge 2005 Pauline Powledge is a fulltime engineer at Intel Research, Seattle. She briefly worked on the UbiFit project to setup the backend SQL Server, which was used to synchronize mobile MyExperience data in the field.
Ian Smith Ian Smith 2005 - 2006 Ian Smith was one of the original collaborators on the first version of MyExperience used in the "Vote With Your Feet" study (PDF). He also worked on the UbiFit branch of MyExperience and investigated ways to synchronize data from the local SQL Compact Edition database to SQL Server. He has since left Intel Research, Seattle for a startup.
Tammy Toscos Tammy Toscos 2005 - 2006 As an intern at Intel Research, Seattle during the summers of 2005 and 2006, Tammy worked on the UbiFit project with Sunny Consolvo. She also assisted in providing feedback on the MyExperience interface and its self-report survey capabilities. Tammy is currently a graduate student in Computer Science at Indiana University.